Debugging -

  • You can have the GUI open when you are running your own program. The GUI can be a big help when you need to debug your program. Make sure that you use the USB Reconnect command before using it.
  • You can use the GUI to check the status of the DSM. You can also stop the DSM memory with it and check the data in memory.
  • All parser commands are sent to the DSM301.log file in your program's .exe folder.
  • The easiest way to see whether Data Length is enabled is to set the Data Length to half of the Memory Depth and the markers to half of the Data Length. If the marker has a half duty cycle, then Data Length is on (marker runs to half of the Data Length). But if the marker has a quarter duty cycle, then the DSM is not running up to the Data Length (marker is a quarter of Memory Depth).